Education/Training Classes
Join the FUN!
Look-n-Listen Dog Training
– Classes –

This section is in progress, links to the class details will be available shortly. Please contact us for questions.
A-B-C's of Puppy Education
The A, B, C’s of living with humans is a tall order for young pups. Puppy development happens early and fast! Look-n- Listen is here to help you set up routines, practices, and positive training sessions to help your puppy understand and grow into his/her body, mind and spirit. We also offer the AKC’s Puppy Star Program to get you on your way to a great start with your pup! Ages 8 weeks old – 6 months. Please inquire for a separate puppy class for pups aged 6 months to a year.
The Wonder Year- The first year
Young dogs, rescues or adopted older dogsThis very special time is significant for your dog to learn what is expected of him/her to best serve as your families canine best friend. We spend most of our shared time with our dogs in our home. It’s worth training for behaviors that suit your home and family. We’ll refine home manners, and have fun engaging your dog with basic daily tasks. We’ll set protocols for door and gateways, train for manners in the kitchen and dining area, practice routines helpful to living areas and restore your home with cooperative habits that make living with your dog… a joy.
Dogs aged 4 months and older. 6 week series. Please inquire for the next offering. Click here for more information.
Private -in-home classes
Private Training- House Calls!
Do you need help refining or retraining your dog’s home manners? We make house calls!
If your dog has a challenging issue that keeps you from enjoying a walk, inviting guests over to visit, exhibiting anxiety when you are away, destructive behaviors, timid and shy behaviors that are keeping your pup from enjoying the good things in life, we can help! Sometimes it takes a few lessons to retrain, socialize and create protocols that make your shared existence SO MUCH easier.
Inmate to Angel Program
From Inmate to Angel
In-Home Private Training
Do you need help refining or retraining your dog’s home manners? We make house calls!
If your dog has a challenging issue that keeps you from enjoying a walk or inviting guests over to visit, we can help! Sometimes it takes a few lessons to retrain, socialize, and create protocols that make your shared existence SO MUCH easier. Contact us for a home evaluation.
*We do believe that positive training can be a proactive manner to engage with dogs to prevent issues. However, we do not specialize in aggressive or highly reactive dogs. An evaluation will help determine if your dog needs a referral to a behavioralist.
Refining the 'Heel' and the 'Recall'
Refining the Heel and the Recall
Does your dog need a refresher on the basics of leash skills and recall? You’re not alone! Dogs need regular practice to keep even the basic skills reliable and refreshed in their mind. This class will give you and your dog the opportunity to practice on and off leash in our fenced area. These classes are for dogs who have basic skills and know the commands but can use time and space to practice for canine perfection.
Tricks and Clicks!
A fun, new AKC certificate programTraining Tricks
Have a blast training your dog to do tricks for fun, play and helpful tasks at home! Learn a few tricks to keep your dog learning… and possibly performing at your next party! With positive training, tricks can be a great way to spend time with your dog… and be your sidekick for fun. We’ll learn a few basics, roll over, play dead, find an object, how to play dog soccer, and get you started with a few more fun tricks.
Contact us for more info!